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Had this great sacrifice not been made on The10thDay in the history of Islam, had this lesson not been taught and this experience not offered, Islam would have certainly suffered from deviation like the religions before Islam had suffered from, and nothing would have remained of the truth of Islam and its luminosity.
The Story
The story didn’t just end in the afternoon of The10thDay; in fact, since the afternoon of The10thDay, a movement started in history, which is still growing and expanding. It will be the same in the future, too. Imam Hussain (a.s.) did all in his power to proclaim the word of truth and to save the people. These are some of the traits that a person in general can see and show in the The10thDay event.
The Leader
On the day of Karbala, Hussain and his companions were martyred in an abandoned desert where there was not any friend and where there were many enemies. On that day, his family members were taken captive and that was over.
Today, this event which should normally have been destroyed and consigned to oblivion after 10 – 15 days is still prominent, even after the passage of many centuries.
The sister who “saw nothing but beauty"
On The10thDay, Zainab watched many of her dear ones go to the battlefield to get martyred. She watched Hussain, Abbas, Ali Akbar, Qasem, her children, and other dear ones go to the battlefield.
After they were martyred, she went through all those pains: The invasion of the enemy, disrespect, and the responsibility to take care of the surviving children and women. Is it possible to compare the enormity of this tragedy with physical pain?
The Brother
The value of those martyred at Karbala is that they defended the sanctum of Truth in the most difficult conditions one can ever imagine.
The matchless sacrifice of the Household of Hussein and his Companions shook the pillars of tyrant rulers.
The loyalty of Abbas is famous for his brother Hussain in defending divine values on The10thDay.
Leaders Inspired by Hussain
I learned from Hussain how to be wronged and be a winner, I learnt from Hussain how to attain victory while being oppressed.
Mahatma Gandhi
Hussain is from me and I am from Hussain.
Prophet Muhammad
In a distant age and climate, the tragic scene of the death of Husain will awaken the sympathy of the coldest reader.”
Edward Gibbon
Hussain did not want to provoke civil war and the loss of many lives. He tried to avoid conflict but went willingly to his death, rather than do what he knew to be wrong.
Dr Chris Hewer
What we do?
There are hundreds of thousands of people living in the U.K today that have not heard of Hussain and the lessons of Karbala. Our hard working and devoted volunteers want this to end through programs that share the commonalities of Hussain in today’s society and reflect both the social justice and freedom he fought for.